Web Development

El Max

El Max is a food chain based in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. The project consists of developing an e-commerce website where products, combos, and promotions can be displayed, and customers can place orders and make payments.

Challenges and Features

In Ecuador, the banking system remains somewhat isolated from global services. After realizing that some e-commerce platforms like Wix or Shopify can delay payments, we decided to focus on more flexible platforms that allow us to work with local banks. The website is still in development (final touches), and we have successfully integrated a payment method using open-source platforms like WordPress, local payment solutions like Payphone, and a delivery system with Pedidos Ya. The website processes orders, payments, and deliveries from clients and is fully responsive.

Web Development

Fitness Tech

Fitness Tech is a sport clothing store chain base in the city of Cuenca in Ecuador. The goal of the project was to develop a e-commerce website, to sell clothes online. 

Challenges and Features

The client wanted to develop the app on Shopify to reduce costs. One of the challenges we encountered was the limited customization options the platform offered at the time in the region, as well as delays in payment processing. Nonetheless, the website’s performance and the numerous features for managing the online store allowed us to remain operational for over a year. Since then, due to a rebranding and the need for more agile payment methods, the site is being redesigned.