Web design and development
Torres Dentales
Torres Dentales is a dental clinic based in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. The goal of the project was to redesign their outdated website to introduce the team, showcase services, and provide a platform that the marketing team could use to boost their campaigns.
Challenges and Features
For this project, we used Wix as the platform to develop the website. The idea was to provide the marketing team with a user-friendly, no-coding-skills-required solution, enabling them to update marketing campaigns independently.
Web design and development
Solver Corp. (In development)
Solver Corp. is a marketing agency specializing in brand design, advertising campaigns, marketing strategies, and video/photography. The goal of the project was to create a website that could display the agency’s portfolio interactively and provide direct contact options for new clients.
Challenges and Features
For this project, we used Elementor Pro. The combination of its features and versatility, along with custom code, allowed us to incorporate animations, creative designs, and other tools to effectively showcase the agency’s extensive portfolio.
Landing pages
Hi School
Hi School is a language school in Ecuador. The page consist in a simple informative landing page.
Dr. Daniel Guarache
Dr. Daniel Guarache is is an expert in eye health. The page consist in a simple informative landing page.